All the presentations from ESOC 2023 are included in the 180-page Conference Presentations Book, which also contains speaker bios and sponsor information. This book also includes the After Conference - Conference presentations.
Full list of presentations and bios:
Bio: Michael Evanoff
Presentation: Executive Security Advance Operations
Bio: James Cameron, CPP
Presentation: ANSI Standards and Board Certification for Executive Protection
Bio: Scott Lowther, CPP, PCI
Presentation: Executive Security Consumer to Vendor Perspective
Bio: Michael White
Bio: Howard Fisher, Esq
Presentation: IRS Code 132 and Executive Security Operations
Bio: Jason Bertrand
Presentation: Challenges Facing Full Time Solo Practitioners
Bio: Dr. Mary Beth Janke
Presentation: Mental Health for Security and Protective Operations and Life
Bio: Dr. George DeBusk
Presentation: Medical Oversight and Legal Considerations for Executive Security Operations
Bio: Alan Zajic, CPP, CSP, ICPS
Presentation: Incident Reporting and Legal Preparations during Executive Security Operations
National Consensus
Bio: Dr. Michelle Keeney
Presentation: Protective Intelligence for Executive Security Operations
Bio: Joe Aurtera
Presentation: Current Trends and Considerations for Safe and Secure Transportation
Bio: Chris Browning
Presentation: TSCM – Airtags and the Technical Threats During Executive Security Operations
Bio: Kent Moyer
Presentation: Drones and Executive Security Operations
After Conference, Conference Presentations
Presentation: Business Growth Strategies/ Presentation: Explaining ROI and Business Case to Clients/ Presentation: Explaining ROI and Business Case to Clients
Presentation: 1099 vs. W2
Presentation: Legal Strategies and Contract Language
Presentation: Resume Tips and Recommendations
Presentation: Personal Branding
Presentation: Networking Strategies